Social Psychology

 I like the social psychology class, the first semester of the psychology career, made by Professor Valdivieso.
In this class we review topics related to the actions of people referred to others, within the framework of a system
of meanings that are born from the social.
The acts and thoughts of the people, are signified according to their historical moment, so it is not possible to understand them simply from their experience of life; that is, we learn that
what we are is a product of what we have built together in the social world.
The classes are done by a teacher very didactic and close, reason why its class is very amena, with a good atmosphere
to learn.
The classes are complemented by the reading of texts that deal with the subjects discussed and authors reviewed.
I like this subject because its subjects are of my interest for my work and intellectual learning, and I think it is
fundamental to understand people, not only as separate individuals, but in their reality that is always social.


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