
My experience with the BLOGS

I think my experience with blogging is very nebulous, because most of the time I was not sure if I'm writing is good. But I think that I have been learning more about good form of writing, n ot only for English class but also for life . I think the best thing about blogging is that I have learned a lot more about how to write and read in English. I think that as I write week by week different topics in English the vocabulary grows. And so, it is much easier to read, speak and write. In addition, it was fun to keep a blog with personal design. In addition, it was fun to keep a blog with personal design. I thought I was John Watson. I think what I did not like to write blog is that many times, when I could not go to classes, I did not have time to make a good text . That was really frustrating. In conclusion, I think I am happy with the completion of the blog, but I would like to have more time to do them . I hope that for the next course I can do things better and with more tim

Quinta Normal Park

Hi! Today I'm going to write about the Quinta Normal Park. This park is very important to me because is a place that I visited frequently cause I studied in a highschool in front of the park. Quinta Normal Park is in the city of Santiago of Chile, specifically in Quinta Normal.  The park was founded in 1841 for greenhouses to cultivate foreign plant species, but today is a recreational park for all ages. Into the park there several museum, including the National Museum of Natural History. This park is very big, with 35.5 hectares. The park has a lot of fields for differents sports, like football or basketball. Besides has large space where is very confortable to rest, with tall trees that are there since the park opened for greenhouses. I visited the park the majority of days with my friends of the highschool after finish the class, or before start the class to go into school happy. Well, I believe that this park is very beautiful and relaxing in a city like Santiago that haven´

Social Psychology

 I like the social psychology class, the first semester of the psychology career, made by Professor Valdivieso. In this class we review topics related to the actions of people referred to others, within the framework of a system of meanings that are born from the social. The acts and thoughts of the people, are signified according to their historical moment, so it is not possible to understand them simply from their experience of life; that is, we learn that what we are is a product of what we have built together in the social world. The classes are done by a teacher very didactic and close, reason why its class is very amena, with a good atmosphere to learn. The classes are complemented by the reading of texts that deal with the subjects discussed and authors reviewed. I like this subject because its subjects are of my interest for my work and intellectual learning, and I think it is fundamental to understand people, not only as separate individuals, but in their re

Freud, I wish you

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalytic theory. He was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, in the bosom of a Jewish family.  In creating psychoanalysis, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transfer, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud innovated in two fields. He simultaneously developed, on the one hand, a theory of human mind and behaviour; And on the other, a therapeutic technique to help people with psychic affections. A important contribution was his analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the underlying mechanisms of repression. On this basis Freud elaborated his theory of the unconscious to develop a model of psychic structure that later denominated psychic instances.  I am interested in psychoanalysis, but above all I like Freud's theory of subjectivity because he understand
My girlfriend, Mical Hello my name is Joaquin Elorza and I would like to show you a nice person that I met by chance at university. In this photograph I appear next to her, her name is Mical Caro and she is 21 years old. Like me, she studies psychology at the University of Chile, attending third year while I am in second grade. The beautiful coincidence was that in the first days of classes I was presented to my godmother, thanks to this event I began to know her every day a little more. The photo was taken in the enchanted forest, belonging to the region of Aysen, during our wonderful and entertaining summer vacations in which we backpacked for about three weeks. I´ve chosen this image as it reflects his beautiful smile and his flirty daisies that I have always liked, and I appear next to it as I would like it to remain. 

Frustrated dream

It is difficult for me to respond in what I would like to work because I am now studying a university career.  I believe that I woul like to job making music, songs, poems and activities related to art. It has always been my biggest dream, since I learned to play the guitar. I think it will only be a dream because the talent is not with me, despite my intentions. I would like to travel around Chile showing my songs, meeting people from different places. I would to travel to south and i would try live moving alone. My ideal job would be without walls, so i would travel around the continent and i would know varied cultures and  I would take  the salary  from  the people who listen to me. I would be very happy being in a lot of places, b ut it would be very painful to be alone for so long.  I would visit my family and friends when I could. Really, in this conditions i would not wait to have big riches, however i would confort me with the experiences that I would take b

My favorite music

I think music is one of the most important things that could exist in this world. I don't know anyone who dislikes music. My favourites music's styles are grunge, rock, and punk (only for a while). But the kind of music that I like the most are definitely the troubadour's music, because is so pure and poetic, is like hearing the soul of the artist in their chords and letters. I have been hearing this types of music since I was a little kid, so I saw all the changes that happened in them (except for grunge, since kurt cobain died way before I was born). Definitely the change that makes me feel good about the music is how in the lastest years the troubadour's music have become so popular, which makes that those kind of artists became more famous. Between my favourite troubadour's artists are: Tata Barahona, Angelo Escobar, Evelyn Cornejo, Paisano, Kaskivano and Chinoy. Finally, the changes of rock and roll are diverse, specially if we take on count that rock has a lo